Aaaahh this day.
Four years ago, on June 23, i had a birthday party (not mine btw, it was from my friend "L", let's call her like that haha).
And i was there with my best friend ("D") and suddenly we both started feeling horrible and almost started crying. Both of us had been dumped by our ex-boyfriends like... a week ago ?? (can't remember).
The thing is, i met another guy ("M") some days before that party and we started being friends and he invited me to his birthday party that same day and i remember i said i couldn't go because i had another birthday party (L's party). I think he was sad because i couldn't go (yeah he was).
The thing is, i was feeling really sad because the day before that party i discovered that my ex-boyfriend had found a new girlfriend like... 2 weeks after we broke up (yeah i know wtf). Aaand my best friend (D) was in almost the same situation lol. So we went to our houses early and i remember that i entered to my room, i laid down in my bed and started crying like a baby. I was so sad.
The moment i started crying my phone started to ring, it was a phone call from my friend "M". I wasn't going to pick up because my voice was a mess and i couldn't stop crying but i picked up anyway and we started talking. He was worried about me because he didn't want me to feel that sad so he said he would come pick me up the next day (June 24) to distract me from everything that was happening to me.
I was like "wtf with this guy? why is he so nice to me? i don't get it ? ? ? ?" Anyway, i said yes.
The next day, he came to pick me up to my house and my neighbor's dog almost kill him hahaha (i saved him).
He took me out for a walk and we walked and talked for like... two hours or so. After that he took me to his house and guess what, HIS WHOLE FAMILY WAS THERE AND I WAS LIKE "H-H-H-H-HI". And his brother (the kid was like... 8 that time) said "Is she M's new girlfriend?" and we were like "OH FUCK".
We went to his room, his mom gave us birthday cake (from M's birthday) and i spended the afternoon eating cake while he played some music to me with his bass. I felt so good, idk why, i just felt that someone cared about me and that feeling is really warm and nice.
I went home at 9 pm or so, he accompanied me to my house, he gave me a kiss on my cheek, he said something like "see you, take care" and he leave. I entered my house and five minutes later he was sending me text messages because he was already missing me.
Three days after that he asked me to be his girlfriend, and i said "yes".
Four years after that (today) i'm counting the days for my fourth years anniversary with Mateo. The best part about this is that we still love each other like the first day.
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